The Delivery - the last part of our serialWe've been taking turns writing a story. The prompt we took was: "Flowers came to my house every other Monday exactly at 1 o’clock" We've...
The Delivery - the sixth part of our serialWe are taking turns writing a story. The prompt we took was: "Flowers came to my house every other Monday exactly at 1 o’clock" We are...
Table 52: Writing Their Own StoryBy Pippa Duncan A group of local writers, who all met while on a creative writing course in Richmond, have published their first...
Two Languages, One HeartBy Sinem Erenturk ‘“When I listen to you, your language sounds so authentic. Some phrases we wouldn’t use in English - are they...
How writing got us through the pandemic By Karen Ali (Karen Ali, from our group wrote an article about our group and book for Richmond Borough Mind's newsletter, Mindful Memo.)...
Photographing the Table 52 WritersPhotographing writers is a challenge. Generally speaking they do not seek attention. At least not for themselves, writing is inevitably...